A growing number of people are getting even more creative with their coping methods: They’re making art. Photography, music, painting and drawing are keeping people busy and distracted from the stresses of COVID-19.
At Smith + Trade we have art classes instructed by our Smith's, we hope to get back up and running by the end of the month!
Art doesn’t just unify us — it physically benefits us, too. Studies show that spending just 45 minutes on an art project can relieve stress, strengthen critical thinking skills and improve and sustain memory.

Neurobiologist Semir Zeki found that just viewing art causes joy, similar to the sensation of falling in love.Viewing art also relieves mental exhaustion in the same way the outdoors does — walking in nature, losing oneself in music and admiring art directly influence health and live expectancy.
Stop in our store where you can see a wide variety of art and goods that are handcrafted by our Smith's.
So, even without our daily dose of nature — art can help.