Smith + Trade Mercantile has been featured in many local publications in the Twin Cities and the Midwest.

'Best Of'
Voted by Stillwater Readers

'best of'
St. Croix Valley Readers' Choice

Front Page Pioneer Press Paper
TV Designer Kelli Kaufer opens Stillwater store featuring Minnesota artisans.

Feataured article midwest home magazine
SMITH + TRADE’S Home Decor and live-action art shake up Stillwater

featured article St. Croix Valley Magazine
Smith + Trade supports and showcases local artisans.

featured article St. Croix Valley Magazine
Modern History

featured article St. Croix Valley Magazine
Remodel your kitchen with local salvaged materials.

Live TV segment Twin cities live
Owner Kelli featuring Smiths and decor for Summer

Mpls St. Paul Magazine
Meet Designer Kelli Kaufer