Kelli will be showing what home trends are buzzin' for 2021.
You'll see more focus on natural inspired products,
from home remedies to interiors, encompassing one's lifestyle.
Kelli says bees are all the buzz. For the interior,
honeycomb wood wall art pieces are a perfect accent for any room.
Created by our Smtih
Bored in the Basement

Natural Remedies that are new Elderberry syrup!
Our Smith uses only native Elderberrys from Sweden.

Elderberry is one of the best immune boosting fruits,
used in Europe for hundreds of years.
Its antioxidant purple berry is rich in vitamins A, B and C
to help keep your immune system strong,
fighting off infections as the common cold or flu
and it is an anti-inflammatory.

Goat soap is loaded with minerals, vitamins, magnesium, potassium,
that is extremely creamy, very moisturizing to the skin.
Great for the winter dry season.
We have over 12 different scents made from natural flowers and spices.
More natural remedies presented by Kelli on Twin Cities Live.
Products all handcrafted by our Smith's
Tune in - show airs 3-4:30pm